Manuscript Evaluations
for Children’s Fiction

Nothing gives me more joy than helping a writer find their way,
no matter which of the following categories they fall into.

Which children’s book writer are you?

The Flummoxed Fictionist

The Flummoxed Fictionist

You’ve been slogging away at your LGBTQ+ children’s or young adult manuscript for months, if not years.

You’re partway through but all of a sudden you’ve lost your sense of direction. Now you’re more than a
tad stuck in the writing mud – you’re knee-deep.

The Worried Wordsmith

The Worried Wordsmith

You’ve finished your first draft.
Hurrah! But instead of celebrating, you’re feeling worried and unsure.

Is it any good? Is it the kind of book you set out to write – one that makes LGBTQ+ readers feel seen, offers a window into another’s lived experience, or celebrates diversity?

The Spurned Storyteller

The Spurned Storyteller

You’ve sent your carefully crafted LGBTQ+ children’s or young adult manuscript to a gazillion agents.

But all you have to show for it is a stack of rejection letters that’s threatening to topple over and bury you beneath it. You’re haunted by the question: why is no one biting?

Whichever one you are, take a deep breath …

… and let me help you see what is and isn’t working in your story with one of my
manuscript evaluation packages.

What’s a manuscript evaluation?

A manuscript evaluation is a great way to get global, big-picture feedback on your story.
I’ll evaluate your narrative structure, characterisation and other crucial story elements such as plot, pacing, point of view, voice and setting.

Once you’ve worked through my feedback, you’ll have a much clearer idea of the overall shape that your opening chapter or story is in – and you’ll be able to move forward with clarity and confidence.

Mini Manuscript Evaluation

Manuscript Evaluation


First 50 pages of a middle grade
or young adult novel


Picture book manuscript
(up to 1,000 words)

What you’ll get

  • One close read-through of your first 50 pages or your picture book manuscript.

  • Some in-line comments.

  • An editorial feedback letter (1–2 pages).

  • My recommendations for your next steps.

  • A 45-minute call to discuss it all.

Full Manuscript Evaluation

Manuscript Evaluation

€0.03 / word

Full middle grade
or young adult novel

What you’ll get

  • One close read-through of your entire middle grade or young adult novel.

  • Some in-line comments.

  • An editorial feedback letter (4–6 pages).

  • My recommendations for your next steps.

  • A 45-minute call to discuss it all.

Need some help to get your story out?