Editing and Proofreading
for Children’s Fiction

You’re finally happy with your kidlit story and its structure. Your plot has a clear cause-and-effect trajectory. Your protagonist is believable and authentic and has a clear arc of change. You know why you’ve written the story, what your point is and who your ideal reader is.

Congratulations, that’s quite an achievement!

But what’s next for a children’s book writer with a solid story?

Well, that depends on how you’re hoping to publish your book …

A book that is traditionally published

Traditional publishing

Are you a children’s book writer seeking a traditional publishing deal?

If so, now is likely the time to start working on your pitch package and finding an agent.

Or if you’re not confident about your prose, you might choose to get your manuscript line/copy edited first, so you can be confident it’s in the best possible shape before you query. This can be especially worthwhile if English isn’t your first language.

If this sounds like you, check out my line and copy editing service below!

A book that is self-published


Are you a children’s book writer planning to self-publish?

If you are, then it’s definitely time to polish your prose before you take the plunge and publish!

You’ll want to start with a line and copy edit to give your words a stylistic once-over and ensure they’re technically accurate. Then I’d recommend a final proofread to catch those last pesky little typos and mistakes before you share your story with the world.

If you’re looking to self-publish, check out both of my services below!

Editing and proofreading services for writers of queer kidlit

So … are you ready to perfect your prose?

Line and Copy Editing Service

Line and Copy Editing

€0.05 / word*
(subject to a review of a sample)

* Price does not apply for picture books.
For picture books, please get in touch.

After much planning, writing and revising, you’re finally proud of the story you’ve written. The problem is, it still needs the finishing linguistic touches – but you’re sick to the back teeth of looking at it.

Don’t despair. It’s simply time to get a fresh pair of eyes involved. More specifically, the hawk eyes of a professional line and copy editor.

I’ll put your prose through its paces until it flows smoothly and is error-free. But don’t worry – your narrative voice and unique writing style will still shine through!

What you’ll get

  • A line-by-line, word-by-word line/copy edit of your manuscript.

  • A style sheet detailing the decisions made about spelling, capitalisation, hyphenation, numbering, punctuation, etc.

What I’ll focus on

  • Consistent and accurate grammar, punctuation, spelling, syntax, hyphenation and capitalisation.

  • Style, clarity, pace and flow of the text.

  • Word choices, sentence structure/length, awkward or long sentences, overused words, and paragraph and chapter length.

  • Overuse of bold or italic formatting, exclamation marks, capitals and the passive voice.

  • Repetition and inconsistencies in the plot, characterisation, worldbuilding and language.

  • Head-hopping/POV, plot timeline and logic, dialogue, showing/telling and age-appropriate content.

  • Fact checking and representation/stereotyping.

  • Consistent document formatting.

  • Word, line and paragraph spacing, double words and missing words.

  • A consistent style for the text (such as New Hart’s Rules/The Oxford Style Guide).

Proofreading service


€0.03 / word*
(subject to a review of a sample)

* Price does not apply for picture books.
For picture books, please get in touch.

So, your manuscript has been fully edited and you’re almost ready to send it out into the world. But before you do, you need a final check to eliminate any last-minute typos or mistakes that may have crept in.

This is the final stage in polishing your manuscript for publication and is ideally done when your work has been formatted and is in its final layout.

Once your manuscript has been proofread, you’ll be able to publish your story with confidence, knowing the i’s have been dotted and the t’s crossed.

What you’ll get

  • A line-by-line, word-by-word proofread of your manuscript.

  • A style sheet detailing the decisions made about spelling, capitalisation, hyphenation, numbering, punctuation, etc.

What I’ll focus on

  • Consistent and accurate grammar, punctuation, spelling, hyphenation and capitalisation.

  • Unnecessary word, line and paragraph spaces, double words, missing words and bad word breaks.

  • Consistent document formatting and design.

  • Widows and orphans (single words/lines at the top/bottom of a page), numbering.

  • A consistent style for the text (such as New Hart’s Rules/The Oxford Style Guide).

Need some help to get your story out?